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Growing Raspberries

Growing raspberries is a fine activity. Now, raspberries are the best of fruits – floral and fruity at the same time, vanilla and acid juice. And the texture of pulp and gritstone and the woody crunchiness of the pip between your teeth. Up there with mangosteen, in my view. And that’s only the start.

They’re not difficult to grow. Buy some good canes and the right sort, that’s the first lesson. I like an all rounder, like Glen Ample. Treat them well, with a good soak before you plant them, and if you’re not ready for them, just heel them into a slit trench until you are. Don’t leave them to dry out, they don’t appreciate it.

They’re not too fussy about where they grow. Plenty of sun, not too bothered whether it’s windy or not. Make sure you leave some long canes at the end of the season, so that you get earlier fruit next year, but cut out the ones that have done their bit to make room for the new canes.

Tie them in if they look too floppy. Water them well when they’re working, all the time. A bit of seaweed is appreciated, and some Epsom salts. Not too much feed, though.

Some other lessons. Raspberries will only grow raspberries. They do this exceptionally well, but that’s their act. Don’t expect anything else. And when they’re ready, they’re ready. Not before, not after, when they’re ready. They like the right conditions, and will do best when they get them. They’ll try in poor weather, but they won’t do as well as if things are right.

Picking raspberries. Now there’s a thing – I can go to a pick your own in the height of the season, go down a row of canes that’s been attacked mercilessly by family after family, and yet easily come away with a big punnet. How do I do this? – because I know how to pick raspberries. You do it upside down. Bend right over and look upwards, and you can see all the best berries hiding under the leaves, sheltering from the rain. Most people don’t know this, so they think there’s no fruit. They’re wrong – they just don’t know how to go about it.

When their time is over, raspberries will stop. They gather their strength for next year, when there will be raspberries aplenty once again. In between, you have to eat something else.

So they’re not perfect. They’re not there all the time. They only do one thing but they do it very well. They’re not really like anything else. And to get the best from them, you have to know how to go about it. Think on, lad, when you find yourself wishing something was different or someone could do better.

So many lessons, such nice fruit.

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